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ASOCRET-M30 – a real multi-talent

SCHOMBURG has developed a real multi-talented product in ASOCRET-M30. Smoothing compound, repair mortar, blocking mortar or coved fillet mortar – from now on applicators only need one product for all applications. The ASOCRET-M30 is the only restoration mortar, which combines all four products in one.

Our new development can do even more. The very easy and creamy to use universal restoration mortar impresses with up to 35% higher yield. At the same time there are no construction delays as the area is ready for overcoating after only approx. three hours. This offers the contractor real benefits in daily practice.

It doesn’t matter whether it is for levelling and filling mineral-based wall and floor areas, as a repair mortar or non-sag smoothing mortar. The applications are many and varied. The new mortar from SCHOMBURG is also well suited as a water repellent blocking mortar or building plinth render. It is also for preparing substrates to receive high-build bitumen coatings as well as flexible mineral-based waterproofing slurries. ASOCRET-M30 is sulphate resistant and rapid hardening. Thickness from 3 – 30 mm can be applied in one operation. It does not matter whether used on internal or external areas. The mortar is CE marked in accordance with DIN EN 998-1.