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Invisible and odourless - Radon, the danger from the depths

Information about the dangers of this deadly noble gas can be found at
• Naturally occurring Radon is, after smoking, one of the most frequent causes of lung cancer
• In every tenth building, the gas can become a deadly risk
• The federal states were to identify special Radon precautionary areas by the end of the year 2020
It is just as dangerous as it is unknown: Radon, the radioactive gas from the depths. After smoking, it is one of the most frequent causes of lung cancer in Germany. According to an appraisal by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, every tenth house is affected. Astonishing: In Germany we are least aware of the danger from the earth. However many deaths can be avoided through simple measures.
Radon is a noble gas that is naturally present throughout Germany. It rises to the surface through layers of rock. If this occurs in a poorly protected cellar, then it can quickly lead to an accumulation of gas at levels hazardous to life. Once breathed in, it decomposes in the lungs to the radioactive elements of lead, bismuth and polonium. The body becomes increasingly poisoned.
The legislative authorities have reacted: By the end of 2020 the Federal States must identify Radon precautionary areas. This gives special requirements for new build and renovation of buildings with increased responsibility for health and safety at work. Overloading with radiation measuring devices must be monitored. If this is violated then this could threaten Planners, Architects and Employers with unpleasant outcomes.
Experts are quarrelling as to whether the Radon precautionary areas really avert the effective danger. Then external to these areas, the presence can also be high and only the appropriate preventative measures offer dependable protection. And these are not at all complicated. Dr. Andreas Weier, Head of the Development Department at SCHOMBURG, already sees the solution in reliable waterproofing materials: “Preventative systems work in combination against Radon penetration, for example a bitumen-based waterproof membrane in combination with bonded waterproofing membranes beneath green concrete and termination tapes. It is also important to protect pipe penetrations“.
Information on other possibilities to prevent Radon can be found on the new website Here a lot of information has been collected about health risks and the statutory requirements, which communicates the topic simply and understandably.